Apr 24, 2019
Spencer and Razib discuss who the Denisovans were, where they lived, and what it means for us as humans. https://pxlme.me/UPzHwYX6
Apr 16, 2019
Razib talks to evolutionary psychologist Steve Stewart-Williams about how the origins of our mind can inform how we interact with the world around us. Show notes: https://pxlme.me/cxm84D_0
Apr 10, 2019
Razib talks to Alexander Young on whether the missing heritability is solved, and what it is in the first place https://pxlme.me/LgByOD37
Apr 2, 2019
Razib discusses the genetics of Pleistocene Europeans with Cosimo Posth. https://pxlme.me/Rxv09mQ2